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Degree Requirements


What is a Bachelor's Degree?

A bachelor's degree is normally awarded after all undergraduate work has been completed successfully. It indicates competence in your major area of academic interest. The degree is usually completed within a four-year period. However, it may take a shorter or longer time, depending upon the individual student. Regulations established by the University of California Regents specify minimum scholarship and residency requirements. These are fully described in the UCR General Catalog.

In addition to completing a course of study in your major area of academic interest, the three colleges have "breadth requirements." For students in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, these include courses in foreign language, humanities, fine arts, social sciences, ethnic studies, physical and biological sciences, math, computer science, and/or statistics. An additional requirement is a year-long series of English compositions.

Each department develops the curriculum in its major and designs certain coursework necessary to prove competency in the major.

Degree Requirements

(Review the following information carefully)

If you have questions contact your major department and academic advisor. It is your responsibility to be aware of all University, College, and major graduation requirements and to satisfactorily complete those requirements.