Three-Year Pathways to Graduation
Have you ever thought about trying to complete your degree in under four years? What are the pros and cons of speeding your progress toward graduation? Are there resources available to assist you in graduating in three years?
This page is a resource for students considering these questions. It highlights specific pathways for three-year degree completion for some of the most popular majors at UCR.
What are the demands of a three-year pathway?
Three-year pathways to graduation are not for everyone. The reduced time to graduation will require that you think carefully about extracurricular activities and commitments, including time devoted to employment and social activities. The accelerated pace of the three-year pathway will also require that you develop and refine your time management skills. Before embarking on a three-year pathway, speak to your academic advisor about resources available to assist you with the academic and personal demands of this accelerated degree plan. Keep in touch with your academic advisor and your instructors so that you can get the necessary assistance in a timely manner. While the three-year pathway can be demanding, there are distinct benefits to pursuing it.
What are the benefits of a three-year pathway?
The greatest impact of finishing your degree in three years is financial. You will pay for three years of tuition rather than four. For a CA resident UCR student, that represents savings of over $15, 000. Furthermore -- whether you attend graduate or professional school after graduation or whether you go directly into the workforce – you will begin your lifetime of earnings a year earlier than many of your classmates. If you want a head start in your post-college life, three-year graduation is one way to begin.
Three-year pathways at UCR
Example three-year pathways for popular UCR majors are provided below. Individual student pathways will vary significantly based on prior credit received, course availability, student schedules, and other factors. Consult your academic advisor for further details and assistance. If your major is not listed below, your academic advisor can draw up a three-year pathway if you are interested.
- Anthropology, B.A.
- Anthropology, B.S.
- Business Economics, B.A.
- Creative Writing, B.A.
- Economics, B.A.
- Economics/Administrative Studies, B.A.
- Economics/Law & Society, B.A.
- English, B.A.
- History, B.A.
- Liberal Studies, B.A.
- Media and Cultural Studies, B.A.
- Music, B.A.
- Music/Composition, B.A.
- Music/Performance, B.A.
- Music & Cultural, B.A.
- Neuroscience, B.A.& B.S.
- Philosophy, B.A.
- Political Science, B.A.
- Political Science/Administrative Studies, B.A.
- Political Science/International Affairs, B.A.
- Political Science/Law & Society, B.A.
- Political Science/Public Service, B.A.
- Psychology, B.A. & B.S.
- Sociology, B.A.
- Sociology, B.S.