New Students
Welcome Class of 2029!
Congratulations on your admission to the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) at UCR! We are excited that you will joining us this fall term and look forward to meeting you and working with you over the next four years.
As you prepare for fall quarter, the following checklist/calendar will be helpful to keep you on track. You should also check your My.UCR.EDU portal often for personalized information, checklists, provisions of admission, deadlines, test scores, admissions status, and next step reminders.
Submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)
- The deadline to SIR is May 15
- Once you SIR, view all messages in your new R’Mail account. All email correspondence will be sent to your R’Mail account instead of your personal email address. Be sure to check your account regularly and use it for all university email communications.
Start submitting your transcripts and test scores
- High school transcripts are due July 1
- Test scores are due July 15
- If you have AP/IB test scores or community college transcripts from freshman to junior years, you should submit them now. This will make advising and registration at Orientation much easier.
- How to submit
Take the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE)
- The Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) is a University of California reading and writing proficiency requirement that all first-year students must satisfy. The ELWR must be satisfied either before beginning courses on a UC campus or during the first year of enrollment.
- To gain access to English writing, grammar, and composition courses, students must take the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) if transfer credit, such as credit from the AP English Language or Literature exams, the International Baccalaureate Higher Level English exam, or community college credit for English composition have not been completed. For information on which exams specifically satisfy the ELWR, please access the ELWR informational page.
- Completing the online AWPE on one of the test dates in May or June will ensure that students have placement information before registering for fall quarter classes when attending their Highlander Orientation Session in July or August. If you didn’t satisfy the UC Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) by May 1 using AP/IB tests scores or college credit, you should plan to take the AWPE. There are dates through May, June, and August. If you take the test on May 18 or May 19, you will be able to see your course placement at the end of June and be totally prepared for Orientation. For more information on test dates or to register for the AWPE, please visit the AWPE webpage.
Take the Mathematics Advisory Exam (MAE)
- The MAE is used by UCR to assess student readiness in mathematics for University work and to determine the appropriate placement.
- Not all CHASS students will be required to complete a math course to graduate. Students admitted to the majors below, and undeclared students considering one of these majors (or a STEM major outside of CHASS) must have math placement. Students must either complete the MAE or use transfer credit (qualifying AP/IB scores or college transfer credit).
- Math-based majors in CHASS include:
- Pre-Business
- Economics
- Business Economics
- Economics/Administrative Studies
- Economics/Law & Society
- Psychology
- Psychology/Law & Society
- Neuroscience
- Liberal Studies
- Political Science/Administrative Studies
- Art History/Administrative Studies
- History/Administrative Studies
- Sociology/Administrative Studies
- To register for the MAE, please visit the ARC website
- Make sure to take the exam no later than July 12! The earlier you complete the exam, the more prepared you will be for advising and registration at Highlander Orientation.
- If you are an Undeclared student and are considering any of the majors above and do not have transfer credit, then it is strongly recommended that you take the MAE.
Register for Highlander Orientation
- Highlander Orientation
- All orientation sessions are two-day programs. It is mandatory for all incoming students to register for and attend a session.
- There are 10 in-person orientation sessions and 3 virtual orientation sessions offered throughout July and August.
- Academic advising and course registration is included in orientation.
- Be prepared to bring a charged laptop to orientation.
Complete the Highlander Foundations College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences online course
- Your Highlander Foundations course is designed to prepare you for your orientation session as well as to communicate information about CHASS. This course also contains information about various resources available to you as a Highlander and important reminders about what you will be expected to complete prior to arriving at orientation. Be sure to make use of the information provided throughout as you familiarize yourself with our Highlander Community!
- Closer to your Highlander Orientation session, you will be emailed with information on how to access the course. The online course must be completed before you attend Highlander Orientation
If you have any questions, please contact our Peer Advisors at chasspeers@ucr.edu. Our team of Peer Advisors would be happy to answer any questions as you prepare for Highlander Orientation
Additional helpful information and resources: