Petitions & Forms
Petitions and Forms
Petitions are formal requests by students. Petitions are needed to add or drop classes after week two, change a major, declare a minor, graduate, or withdraw from UCR. Common examples are listed below. Be sure that you understand which signatures are required and where to submit the completed petition. A fee is required for some petitions.
Some petitions are available for downloading. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the files in PDF format. You can download the latest version of Acrobat for free at Adobe's website.
Type of Petition | Where to File Petitions | |
Instructions | Blue Petition Form | |
Academic Advisor | |
Instructions | Pink Petition Form | |
Supplement for Late or Retroactive Changes | Academic Advisor | |
Instructions | Green Petition Form | |
Concurrent Enrollment | Academic Advisor | |
Instructions | Yellow Petition Form | |
Modify or substitute a College or University graduation Requirement | Academic Advisor | |
Instructions | Double Major Form | Academic Advisor |
Instructions | Request to Declare/Drop a Minor | Academic Advisor |
Instructions | Petition to Appeal Academic Dismissal | Student Academic Affairs Office |
Instructions | Enrollment Adjustment Form | Online via MyForms |
Type of Action | Where to File Petitions | |
Change a course from letter grade to S/NC; or from S/NC to a letter grade | Registrar's Office | |
Change of Major Petition | Academic Advisor | |
Withdrawal from the University | Online via MyForms | |
Application for Graduation | Online | |
Readmission Application | Student Academic Affairs Office | |
Part-time Status Fee Waiver | Online via MyForms | |
Letter Request: Certification of Degree Conferral In-Progress (Note:You must be logged on to your UCR student google account to have access to the request form.) | Google Forms | |
Leave of Absence Application (PELP/PULP) | Registrar's Office | |
Obtain credit for summer coursework at another institution | Undergraduate Admissions (no petition necessary) |
Cancellation and Withdrawal
Cancel Your Registration
To cancel your enrollment, please complete the Enrollment Cancellation Form . Requests are generally processed in 10 business days or less and the date of your submission will be honored.
Beginning the first day of instruction, if you no longer plan to attend UCR, you must formally withdraw. See the Withdraw section for more details.
Withdrawal from UCR
Unforeseen circumstances may require you to withdraw from UCR after classes have begun. There is no academic penalty as long as you complete the withdrawal process by the last day of instruction. You cannot just drop all of your classes in R'Web. You must submit an Application for Withdrawal from myforms.ucr.edu.
Refer to the Refund Table for information on refunds.
Leave Programs
PELP: If you need to take a leave from school (up to one year) and know when you will return, you can apply for the Planned Educational Leave Program. The Registrar will have your registration appointment ready for you when you return. For further information contact your Academic Advisor
Lapse of Student Status
Failure to enroll in courses or pay fees by the deadline as listed in the Schedule of Classes will result in lapse of student status. Lapse of student status means loss of all enrolled courses and loss of all student privileges, such as receipt of financial aid awards and student services. Students in lapsed status who seek reinstatement should contact the Office of the Registrar to apply for readmission and determine all applicable fees.
Intercampus Visitor
Undergraduates in good standing may attend classes at another UC campus for one quarter. Applications are available at the Registrar's Office. The application periods are listed below:
- Fall Quarter: November 1 - April 30
- Winter Quarter: July 1 - October 31
- Spring Quarter: October 1 - January 31
After these dates, applications are accepted only if space is available (the form requires signatures from the Associate Dean, to verify good standing, and from the Registrar). A non-refundable fee is charged for all visitor applications filed.
UC Reciprocity
Students who transfer from one UC campus to another and who have completed the Breadth/General Education (B/GE) requirements of the campus from which they have transferred (except for upper-division B/GE requirements) will be considered to have met the B/GE requirements of the campus to which they transfer.
To request a Letter of Reciprocity be sent to your new campus informing them that you have completed your breadth requirements, please fill out a Request for Letter of Reciprocity and email it to the Student Academic Affairs Office. Please be advised that a letter will only be sent if you have completed ALL breadth requirements (including English composition and foreign language). We will not write "partial" letters of reciprocity or "statement of breadth" letters.
New Students who have cleared all provisions of admission and paid the $100 Statement of Intent to Register fee receive their registration information and a Schedule of Classes in the mail.
Placement Exams
Freshmen: Do not miss the testing deadlines for mathematics, English, and foreign languages. To receive credit for your courses, enroll in the classes based on your test results. (Check the Schedule of Classes for test dates.)
Transfer students: Check with your advisor.
All Students: Course registration is available via R'Web. Enrollment procedures are in the Schedule of Classes.
Students who miss their appointment times for registration may access R'Web anytime during the enrollment period after their scheduled appointment time or during the make-up dates. (Consult the Schedule of Classes for make-up dates).
Remember: "Holds" are blocks from registration. You must clear any holds against registration (financial, academic, and admissions) before you may enroll in classes.
The Schedule of Classes for each quarter provides detailed instructions concerning registration and enrollment. Read it carefully and adhere to the deadline dates listed in the Calendar section.
Recommended Course Load
We strongly recommend that freshmen enroll in only three courses (12 units) the first quarter in order to adjust to UCR and to get used to the pace of the quarter system. However, freshmen who wish to complete a bachelor's degree within 4 years are reminded that the average of 45 or more units must be completed each year to meet the four-year graduation goal (approximately 16 units per quarter).
To be considered full-time, students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units. Most courses at UCR carry 4 units of credit.
Part-Time Status
Students who need to attend part-time, due to work schedules, family responsibilities or health problems, must obtain approval from the Associate Dean.
Undergraduate students whose enrollment for the term is approved by the dean of their college for 10 or fewer quarter units of academic credit shall pay the full University Registration fee and one-half the applicable Educational fee. Students may petition for part-time fee waivers up to the 15th day of instruction. Students should be aware that the Office of the Registrar does not process part-time fee waivers until their enrollment is reduced to 10 units or fewer. Reduction of units to 10 units or fewer after the 15th day of instruction does not reduce the Educational fee. Petitions may be submitted online via MyForms.
Changes in Class Schedules
During the first two weeks of each quarter, changes to your course schedule are done through R'Web. After the second week of instruction, an Enrollment/Adjustment form is needed and obtained from the Registrar or the CHASS Student Academic Affairs Office. Obtain all required signatures on the Enrollment/Adjustment form and return it to the Registrar's Office counter by the deadline listed in the Calendar of the Schedule of Classes.
Deadline Dates
Add or Drop a Course on R'web End of second week Withdraw from a Course End of sixth week of classes, by noon (after the second week of instruction a "W" notation will appear on the transcript) Grading Basis Change
(Letter grade or S/NC)End of eighth week of classes, by noon Non-attendance in classes does not drop you from a course, nor does an instructor telling you that you are dropped. If you are enrolled in a unwanted course, you must drop the course by either dropping the course online during the first week of instruction or filing the Enrollment/Adjustment form with the Registrar or with assistance from your
Note: A grade is assigned for every class you are enrolled in whether or not you attend the class. It is your responsibility to verify your enrollment to insure no errors. You may confirm your course enrollment by using R'Web with your PERMPIN.
Late/Retroactive Course Changes
It is your responsibility to meet deadlines, but extenuating circumstances do exist. If you can document a serious illness or an accident, you may petition the Associate Dean for an exception. However, doing poorly in a class is not considered a valid reason to drop a course late or for dropping below the 12-unit minimum enrollment. Simply pleading that you didn’t know about the deadlines will not convince the Associate Dean to make an exception to your petition.
In order to petition for late/retroactive changes, an Enrollment/Adjustment form accompanied by a supplemental petition is necessary with instructor/advisor/student signatures. Documentation substantiating your request (i.e. accident report) must be attached to the petition. Submit all paperwork to your major department. Check back with your major department after 5 working days. If the petition is approved, in order to complete the process, you must submit the Enrollment/Adjustment form to the Registrar's office. There is a $3.00 fee for filing a late Enrollment/Adjustment petition.