Frequently Asked Questions
Entering Freshmen
What course work is required for Pre-Business?
Pre-Business is a two-year program, during the freshman and sophomore years, students complete all the College breadth requirements and the lower division Business prerequisites.
Can I take my Business prerequisite courses on S/NC grading basis?
No. All the lower division Business prerequisite courses must be taken for a letter grade.
As a Pre-Business student, should I enroll in any upper division Business courses?
Students can begin taking upper division Business courses (ie. BUS CORE courses), if they have meet the following: 1. On track with completion of college breadth and business prerequisites for admission to the major before hitting 120 units and 2. Have met all course prerequisites. The School of Business will not waive course prerequisites.
Is there a minimum GPA that I must have to be eligible for the Business Administration major?
Yes. Students must be in good academic standing, and have a minimum overall 2.7 cumulative GPA and a minimum 2.5 GPA average in the Business prerequisites. If a student has taken any upper division BUS courses before acceptance, all upper division BUS courses must be a 2.0 GPA or above.
Is it possible to participate in the University Honors Program?
Yes. The University Honors Program offers a variety of courses. These courses provide an additional challenge to qualified undergraduates interested in advanced scholarship and research throughout their undergraduate careers.
Is it possible to participate in the Education Abroad Program (EAP)?
Yes. Eligible Business Administration students can earn UC credit and add an international perspective to their education by studying and living in one of 32 countries during their junior or senior year.
Are there any Business organizations that I can join on campus?
Yes. There are several Student Business Organizations on campus for the many interests of Business students. Some of the active registered organizations are: Accounting Society of UC Riverside, Alpha Kappa Psi, American Marketing Association, Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting, Delta Sigma Pi, Phi Beta Lambda (Future Business Leaders of America), Investment Club, Latino Business Student Association. Students are welcome to start other organizations of interest. Additional information about these organizations can be obtained from Student Life or from the Business Administration Dept.
Are there any other majors that incorporate Business Administration?
Yes. UCR offers several alternative Business majors. Students may select from: Economics, Economics/Law and Society, Business Economics, Economics/Administrative Studies, Political Science/Administrative Studies, Sociology/Administrative Studies, History/Administrative Studies, or Art History/Administrative Studies. A minor in Business Administration is also available. You may contact these departments or the UCR General Catalog for more information.
Will it be hard to get into the business classes I want?
While it is true that some classes may close due to capacity enrollment, students can be enrolled and carry a normal courseload every quarter.
Can I emphasis in a certain area in Business?
Business Administration offers core courses in marketing, management science, production and operations management, corporate finance and investment, cost and management accounting, and organizational behavior introduce the students to the functional areas of business. Students choose a five-course concentration from one of six areas: Accounting & Auditing, Finance, Information Systems, Marketing, Operations & Supply Chain Management, or General Management. There are three additional required upper division business elective courses that can be used to expand the areas above or explore other business fields. Students have the opportunity to enrich their education by participating in at least one internship during their junior or senior year. An internship course can be counted as one business elective and is taught every quarter and in summer sessions.
Will I graduate "on time?"
On time usually means within four years from the time the student enters college. Students who come prepared to attend college will not need additional classes in English or Math to prepare them for college level courses. Students can also place into a higher level of foreign language by taking the placement exam in the foreign language they took in high school. When students are prepared, they will be able to complete the major in less than four years. They are required to meet the minimum number of units to graduate from the University of California.
Will I receive preferential admission treatment to UCR's MBA program if I graduate in business from UCR?
We encourage undergraduate students to apply to the MBA program, but they do not receive preferential treatment. The undergraduate program prepares students for the MBA program. All students need to meet Graduate Division admissions requirements to enter the MBA program.
Careers in Business
What companies recruit UCR students for their entry level positions?
Industries and job titles are extremely diverse for business graduates because the degree allows one to enter any industry since all companies need people with these skills. Management trainee programs are common in finance, government, retail, and operations. Depending on the courses taken, students concentrate in the areas of human resources, marketing, accounting, finance, or general management.
What jobs will I be qualified for with a Business Administration degree?
Students graduating from UCR have found entry level positions in many areas of business. Some of the more popular areas include sales, accounting, human resources, general management, finance, and customer service.